
Tips to optimize email deliverability & reduce hard bounces

An Email message that returns to you because the recipient’s email address is invalid is called a hard bounce. Unknown recipient names, network problems at the recipients’ end or in-existence of domain names might cause emails to bounce back.
  • Outdated address in your mailing list cause hard bounces Email addresses change faster than postal addresses. It is therefore vital that all the emails in your mailing list are up to date and fresh. 

What should you do to optimize delivery 

  • Provide email address update links on your site Positioning a simple interface address update form on your website facilitates your customers to keep you informed of changes. You can thus capture fresh addresses for your mailing and optimize email delivery. 
  • Utilize an ECOA (email change of address) service
    Email Change of Address appending is a powerful service of adding most recent email address of the contacts in your database. It’s a great way to enhance your database, optimize delivery and retain old contacts.
  • Check list hygiene
    The list hygiene solution eliminates errors from your database offering you a clean and sharp database. With good data, you can avert hard bounces and create many business opportunities.  
The payoff for bounce-proofing your email list is substantial: lower customer acquisition costs, increased response rates and sales, reduced overheads, and decreased hard bounce rates. Follow the above-mentioned basic suggestions and you will maximize the return on your marketing investments.

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