There are a number of ways of lead generation and every brand and every individual uses it according to their comfort. The comfort could be dependent on the cost, people, brand etc. But a lead generation process has a number of mechanics which makes it to stand out.
Lead generation being the most important part of any brand name’s customer base, high priority is given to this segment of marketing.
OnlineLeads talks here about some of the most practical and tactical perspective, according to which a marketer needs four crucial elements to make inbound lead generation happen.
- Offer
- Landing page
- Form
An offer is like the candy you show your customers so that you can lure them into buying knowing more about your company. This is a piece of content that is perceived of great value. Offers can include compelling ebooks, whitepapers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations. If this works, the rest just follows
A call-to-action (CTA) is the medium used to download or experience your offr. This could i=be in plain text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download your offer.
landing page, is a dedicated page which will explain your customers about the offer and not about you or your company. This is not a webpage, but a specialized page that contains information about one particular offer, and a form to download that offer.
Once you have your customers reach till your landing page, he has to take a decision. This decision can be captured when you have a form Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for the offer.
OnlineLeads is focused mainly at capturing a high number of leads in a less given time. Want to generate more leads for your company?