Showing posts with label market research companies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label market research companies. Show all posts


What’s your rank in the search?

SEO is a new term, but is not alien to those who are professionally involved with it. When your brand is not in the top search page, then the possibility of getting good returns through online leads is very poor. Companies have to invest quite a bit of their time and professional expertise on their search rankings.

Being found on the search portal is not the only role and objective of the SEO, but it has a lot more to do with it. The major elements of an SEO includes 
  • Rankings 
  • Backlinks 
  • Traffic 
  • Bounce rate 
  • Conversions 
  • Profit
Need all that at one place? 

The route to successful lead generation

There are a number of ways of lead generation and every brand and every individual uses it according to their comfort. The comfort could be dependent on the cost, people, brand etc. But a lead generation process has a number of mechanics which makes it to stand out.

Lead generation being the most important part of any brand name’s customer base, high priority is given to this segment of marketing. OnlineLeads talks here about some of the most practical and tactical perspective, according to which a marketer needs four crucial elements to make inbound lead generation happen.
  • Offer 
  • CTA 
  • Landing page 
  • Form
An offer is like the candy you show your customers so that you can lure them into buying knowing more about your company. This is a piece of content that is perceived of great value. Offers can include compelling ebooks, whitepapers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations. If this works, the rest just follows

A call-to-action (CTA) is the medium used to download or experience your offr. This could i=be in plain text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download your offer.

A landing page, is a dedicated page which will explain your customers about the offer and not about you or your company. This is not a webpage, but a specialized page that contains information about one particular offer, and a form to download that offer.

Once you have your customers reach till your landing page, he has to take a decision. This decision can be captured when you have a form Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for the offer.

OnlineLeads is focused mainly at capturing a high number of leads in a less given time. Want to generate more leads for your company?


Market to the customers you WANT

Marketing is changing. Today’s marketing is all about targeting to the customers you have. But it’s not too far away, when you have to target to the customers you want and not only to those you already have.

If the past ten years were about social media, the next twenty are going to be about customer service. Marketing as we know it will still exist, but the concept of marketing being strongest to the customers you have (as opposed to now, which is all about the customers you want) will grow exponentially.

It’s all about the degree of connectivity you have with your customers. As we all become more connected, the ability to make the customers you have feel like a million bucks will translate into immediate action on their part, driving new customers and increased revenue the likes of which we can't even begin to measure.

Do you want to niche market? 


The marketing vehicles for your brand

The best way to choose the communications vehicle is the one you're comfortable implementing and that will reach your intended audience. It really never matters if something has worked wonders for a different brand. Your marketing vehicle is decided by you alone. If you use something you are not comfortable with, you will not use them often enough to keep your brand top of mind.

Another aspect that business owners often overlook, is to think about how to maximize those brand communications activities that you currently use. If you are making a presentation in a conference, how can you use social media to publicize that event, get feedback on the content your audience would like to hear, and use that content in an enduring way after the live event (like video clips). or on the other hand, you just end up being almost everywhere, deliver your speech, hand out a few business cards, and cross your fingers that it turns into something. However, you have to decide what would actually work for your brand and not in general.

Apart from this, listed here are the other marketing vehicles you can use.
  • Public relations and publicity 
  • Trade shows  
  • Phone directories   
  • Online (your website, blog, social media such as Twitter and Facebook, advertising)  
  • Broadcast media (television, radio)  
  • Print media (newspapers, magazines, specialty publications)  
  • Print displays and direct mail (brochures, fliers, signage)  
  • Professional assistance (consultants, designers, and agencies)
Looking for one of these marketing vehicles to drive your business?


9 Steps to conduct market survey

Now that you know how market survey will help you and your business, here are 9 steps to conduct such market surveys

  1. Understand the nature and size of your market.  
  2. Streamline and filter your market research for better penetration 
  3. Define the time to reach your customers in your market 
  4. Know the size of your sample in your pilot study 
  5. A questionnaire should be precise and preferably in objective type 
  6. Ensure your clients are not influenced 
  7. Zero in on a location for your survey 
  8. Scrutinize your survey forms 
  9. Conduct your survey, maximizing sample size and accuracy of responses.
Need assistance in conducting a market survey? Fill up the form below


3 reasons why Market Research is inevitable

Market Research exists for a long time, but on a very personal basis. Irrespective of their business size, companies have woken up for the need of Market Research. Today, there are Market Research firms and well established Market Research companies which are extending these services with an inflated price tag.

Companies big and not so big when plan on expansion or stepping on to a new venture are highly in need of a Market Research Firm. However, OnlineLeads believes that Market Research is not a onetime need, but it needs to be a regular part of your business planning, because it helps in -
  1. Knowing your customer base: It is important to know who your target audience is, what their current need is and how you can be the only savior in solving their problems. Companies which are in a nascent stage have to depend on Market Research because of the need of understanding their customers. And on the other hand, a well-established business needs to be more cautious of the mushrooming start-ups which can possibly pose a threat to them in the near future.
  2. Keep yourself aligned to your business model: You cannot just cling on to your old school of thoughts. Although they help immensely in building a strong foundation, you need to change according to the changing market scenario to be in the league and Market Research helps you achieve that.
  3. Achieving your set goals – Your goals can be meaningful and achievable only if you know where you stand in the market. To achieve the set goals, understanding the market scenario is extremely important. Market Research helps you in knowing your current status and will help you in setting a meaningful and achievable goal.
Market Research firms are a plenty, but what next. Once you know the market, you need an analysis and then execute it using a plan for your company. All this will be possible when you get the support of a company which can deliver the support beyond Market Research.

OnlineLeads don’t just provide you with Market Research. It is also the most preferred brand for related services like Nurture Marketing, Smart Marketing, Database Assessment, Market Survey, Website Analysis, Email Campaign, CRM Solutions, Landing Page Optimizations, Brand Management, Web Analytics, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Offshore Support and for responsive Online Leads of course!

Connect with us for any and every Market related services