Showing posts with label webpage optimization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webpage optimization. Show all posts


Making you understand - Customers

If it is for sale, it has an ideal customer. Isn't it? Whenever your product is designed you have your customers in your mind. But what happens most of the time is that the customer focus is lost when you have a lot of customers.

That’s when you need a tool which can help you in understanding your customers. Its not all that hard, atleast when it’s with us. OnlineLeads mission is to help our members easily understand their visitors, so they can make good decisions to become more successful online.

We have set out a number of founding principles to support this aim which includes Fast, Responsive, Quick loading Service. There are many webmasters, bloggers, marketers and other website owners who are frustrated their existing web analytics tool and are wanting a fast loading service that wouldn't slow down their website.

OnlineLeads excels in providing client-specific services. Our web analytics experts analyze a website to unearth visitor behavior and their experience on the website. Based on data collected, our experts recommend changes to a website, so as to make it more user-friendly and bring about an increase in conversion rate.

Do you want to understand your customers?


Offers that cannot be missed

The offers in your webpage which boasts of the success of your customers will succeed only when the offers are done well. An amazing and unavoidable offer holds the key to your success as well as your customers.

Marketers are humans and so are our customers. And it’s very easy to lure a human into buying something by speaking about the benefits he would gain by just the purchase. The offers are designed in such a way that its ultimate goal is to get people to say “yes” to our offers. 

OnlineLeads in his lead marketing package makes its offers exclusive, scarce, and in high demand, which always becomes more desirable. Whether they are whitepapers, free trials, memberships, sales promotions, or download, these irresistible elements can overcome a lead’s typical friction, doubt, or concern. 

OnlineLeads offers are usually designed in such a way that it can trigger a physiological reaction that makes an offer more valuable. 

We hear you ask, so how do you create irresistible offers?


The route to successful lead generation

There are a number of ways of lead generation and every brand and every individual uses it according to their comfort. The comfort could be dependent on the cost, people, brand etc. But a lead generation process has a number of mechanics which makes it to stand out.

Lead generation being the most important part of any brand name’s customer base, high priority is given to this segment of marketing. OnlineLeads talks here about some of the most practical and tactical perspective, according to which a marketer needs four crucial elements to make inbound lead generation happen.
  • Offer 
  • CTA 
  • Landing page 
  • Form
An offer is like the candy you show your customers so that you can lure them into buying knowing more about your company. This is a piece of content that is perceived of great value. Offers can include compelling ebooks, whitepapers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations. If this works, the rest just follows

A call-to-action (CTA) is the medium used to download or experience your offr. This could i=be in plain text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download your offer.

A landing page, is a dedicated page which will explain your customers about the offer and not about you or your company. This is not a webpage, but a specialized page that contains information about one particular offer, and a form to download that offer.

Once you have your customers reach till your landing page, he has to take a decision. This decision can be captured when you have a form Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for the offer.

OnlineLeads is focused mainly at capturing a high number of leads in a less given time. Want to generate more leads for your company?


Market to the customers you WANT

Marketing is changing. Today’s marketing is all about targeting to the customers you have. But it’s not too far away, when you have to target to the customers you want and not only to those you already have.

If the past ten years were about social media, the next twenty are going to be about customer service. Marketing as we know it will still exist, but the concept of marketing being strongest to the customers you have (as opposed to now, which is all about the customers you want) will grow exponentially.

It’s all about the degree of connectivity you have with your customers. As we all become more connected, the ability to make the customers you have feel like a million bucks will translate into immediate action on their part, driving new customers and increased revenue the likes of which we can't even begin to measure.

Do you want to niche market? 


Listen to the marketing noise

Digital marketing is making a lot of noise in the field of marketing. Many of the trend setters have their own perspectives of what works and what fails. However, social media marketing is the one trending these days, for obvious reasons. Your target audience is either on a facebook or on twitter or on some other social media site. That’s where they are and that’s exactly where you have to be to connect with the right audience at the right time.

What works for one brand doesn’t actually work for the other. But when you get to learn what works for certain brands, it would be easier for you to sift through the options to decide on what do you want to implement on your site.

End of the day, it's the value a business can bring to consumers through the limitations of an experience. Whether it's the 140-character limit on Twitter, the 15-second limit on an Instagram video or the fact that content shared on Snapchat self-destructs, these features force companies to create a valuable moment within the confines of a community that is unique, interesting, educational, emotional, and hilarious or any combination of the previous.

You want a marketing strategy which is a combination of the above mentioned?


Tackling cynical prospects

Not all, but definitely most of the prospects are cynical today. That’s because of a number of fake marketers who have taken up to marketing with fake identity. When asked to fill up forms, they fear marketing harassment and let go of even genuine reputed companies. To tackle such customers, you need to dissolve their anxiety and prove to them that you are worth the time.

Here are three ways to tackle your cynical prospects
  • Go public on your privacy policy 
  • Words of appreciation through testimonials, Press releases, reviews etc  
  • Easy fill up forms
Too many questions do help in filtering your prospects, but that takes a lot of time. You cannot test your prospects’ patience when they are keenly looking out for something specific. Having simple forms, being genuine is the key to attracting genuine prospects. Start with the basic email address and then in the later stage go for further details.

It’s not easy to capture genuine leads through your webpages. You need time and tactics to tackle such prospects. Seek a professional help in making lead capturing a cake walk.