Showing posts with label Email. Email marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Email. Email marketing. Show all posts


Listen to the marketing noise

Digital marketing is making a lot of noise in the field of marketing. Many of the trend setters have their own perspectives of what works and what fails. However, social media marketing is the one trending these days, for obvious reasons. Your target audience is either on a facebook or on twitter or on some other social media site. That’s where they are and that’s exactly where you have to be to connect with the right audience at the right time.

What works for one brand doesn’t actually work for the other. But when you get to learn what works for certain brands, it would be easier for you to sift through the options to decide on what do you want to implement on your site.

End of the day, it's the value a business can bring to consumers through the limitations of an experience. Whether it's the 140-character limit on Twitter, the 15-second limit on an Instagram video or the fact that content shared on Snapchat self-destructs, these features force companies to create a valuable moment within the confines of a community that is unique, interesting, educational, emotional, and hilarious or any combination of the previous.

You want a marketing strategy which is a combination of the above mentioned?


Which color do you choose?

There is a lot spoken about when it comes to the color of your blog. What does red represent, what does green indicate why is orange more catchier than any other color, blah blah. But just because they say the color Orange has high retention value when used for CTAs, do you use it all over the place and expect high leads online?

No. It doesn’t work that way. What about brands which have so many other colors, yet doing so well in brand building. For example, most delivery companies' color palettes are bright. UPS on the other hand is brown. They own brown in their category so much so that their color icon has become their slogan – 'What can brown do for you today?

It is neither a bright color, not a cute color. On the contrary, it’s quite a dull color, more earthy we could say, yet it works. Ultimately, you should be prepared to develop, monitor and constantly push your brand message in the marketplace. Your message should be simple and as consistent as possible in every marketing venue you choose to ensure that when people think of your brand that their perception is connected with your perception of your company.

Online leads helps you in making your brand speak for you
Need help? 

Make the best use of campaign reporting

Writing mails and shooting them to the entire database could be easy, but do they really help you reap any benefits. Not really. That’s why Email marketing services have come into existence.

Apart from a predefined template, personalization buttons and segmented targeted list, Email marketing services provide reports, graphs and statistics that show you how your email campaign is doing. You can analyze how many customers have clicked your emails, opened, downloaded and even which links did they spend maximum time on.

You can also see how many people have unsubscribed and how many forwarded your emails on to the others. These reports also let you know how many emails bounced, or didn't reach their intended destination, and how many are still unopened. Some email services work with Google Analytics to give you even more data to contribute to a successful campaign. Most email marketing services help you maintain your list of contacts by automatically deleting email addresses that bounce.

Need help in email marketing services?


What to look for in an Email Marketing Services

Email marketing services has become an inevitable part of every marketing strategy. It seems difficult at the first stage, and when done without much focus, it loses out its authenticity. However, when done properly, creating an email campaign could be as simple as adding names to a database, customizing an easy-to-use template and looking at how effective your emails are via simple pie charts and bar graphs.

While investing on an email marketing service, you have to look for

Services that offer intuitive tools
Services that will help you quickly upload your list of contacts
Products that gives you the flexibility to adjust the designs on your email marketing messages
Companies worth reflecting your company's image

In addition to up-to-date designs, companies also have to search for products that are easy to learn and use so that you can invest your time with your customers instead of online chat with tech support.

Looking for an email marketing service?