
Are you getting personal with your clients?

Don't you feel good when somebody talks to you by addressing your name. Similarly, just imagine all your conversations with your customers are addressed with their name. How good they would feel.

We have found that our best results in e-mail marketing are closely coupled to how well we customize the content. Based on the context, we use e-mail in a variety of ways. Primarily, we’re trying to help our users take the next step in their next purchase. For example, if buyers searched for and looked at an item but did not purchase it, the goal is to help them find a similar product and complete the transaction at very attractive price. If they lost something, we want to help them find another item like the one they lost at a great price.

There is, of course, a balance to be struck. Not every interaction can be entirely personalized; we would quickly be repeating the same message if we relied only on personalization. As a result, we mix personalized messages with popularity-based messages. Even here, though, we try to be targeted, letting buyers’ activity help us understand the best categories in which to recommend merchandise.

Want a personalized email marketing campaign?