
Make the best use of campaign reporting

Writing mails and shooting them to the entire database could be easy, but do they really help you reap any benefits. Not really. That’s why Email marketing services have come into existence.

Apart from a predefined template, personalization buttons and segmented targeted list, Email marketing services provide reports, graphs and statistics that show you how your email campaign is doing. You can analyze how many customers have clicked your emails, opened, downloaded and even which links did they spend maximum time on.

You can also see how many people have unsubscribed and how many forwarded your emails on to the others. These reports also let you know how many emails bounced, or didn't reach their intended destination, and how many are still unopened. Some email services work with Google Analytics to give you even more data to contribute to a successful campaign. Most email marketing services help you maintain your list of contacts by automatically deleting email addresses that bounce.

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