Showing posts with label leads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leads. Show all posts


Are you getting personal with your clients?

Don't you feel good when somebody talks to you by addressing your name. Similarly, just imagine all your conversations with your customers are addressed with their name. How good they would feel.

We have found that our best results in e-mail marketing are closely coupled to how well we customize the content. Based on the context, we use e-mail in a variety of ways. Primarily, we’re trying to help our users take the next step in their next purchase. For example, if buyers searched for and looked at an item but did not purchase it, the goal is to help them find a similar product and complete the transaction at very attractive price. If they lost something, we want to help them find another item like the one they lost at a great price.

There is, of course, a balance to be struck. Not every interaction can be entirely personalized; we would quickly be repeating the same message if we relied only on personalization. As a result, we mix personalized messages with popularity-based messages. Even here, though, we try to be targeted, letting buyers’ activity help us understand the best categories in which to recommend merchandise.

Want a personalized email marketing campaign?

What drives your brand?

Different companies have different modes to drive their brand name. There are many marketing vehicles that can drive home your brand message. Some of the best vehicle which can drive your brand can be

  • Public relations and publicity  
  • Trade shows  
  • Phone directories   
  • Online (your website, blog, social media such as Twitter and Facebook, advertising) 
  • Broadcast media (television, radio)  
  • Print media (newspapers, magazines, specialty publications)  
  • Print displays and direct mail (brochures, fliers, signage) 
  • Professional assistance (consultants, designers, and agencies)
OnlineLeads has its potential in driving traffic from all the directions. Its expertise lies in all the mentioned mediums. One of the major aspects that business owners often overlook, is thinking about how to maximize those brand communications activities that they are currently using.

Looking for someone who can help you drive your brand from any or all of these? 


Lead management a necessity

From the minute a lead enters your webpage till he makes the final purchase, a lot goes into it. The time in between plays a major role in converting ensuring that the lead converts and remains with you and not anywhere else.

The process of lead management is crucial in making the convert happen. OnlineLeads has a professional experience in lead management and making the leads take the final call to convert. We hear you asking the question why lead management is necessary. It is necessary because 
  • It helps to convert online traffic into leads using dynamic landing pages and progressive forms 
  • It is easy to measure evolving lead quality with automated lead scoring based on multiple dimensions 
  • You can develop raw inquiries into sales-ready leads via relevant, personalized lead nurturing campaigns
With OnlineLeads you can automatically qualify more prospects and quickly develop them into sales ready leads. Want to take a try?


Are your leads lost in transit?

Many prospects who are routed through offers and CTAs fail to get captured or converted after they land on the landing page. This could be because of a number of reasons like poor visibility, lack of catchy forms, poor color contrast etc.

Every landing page has to be optimized and OnlineLeads helps in creating landing page optimization. A landing page usually has a lot of elements which cannot be taken for granted. 

The main elements include
  • A headline with a sub-headline 
  • Description about the offer 
  • A catchy supporting image 
  • A quote from a customer 
  • A security badge 
  • And a easy to fill up form to capture leads
Not just having all these elements in your landing page will guarantee leads. You need to know how, where and what to be incorporated.

Want a professional like OnlineLeads to take charge?


Offers that cannot be missed

The offers in your webpage which boasts of the success of your customers will succeed only when the offers are done well. An amazing and unavoidable offer holds the key to your success as well as your customers.

Marketers are humans and so are our customers. And it’s very easy to lure a human into buying something by speaking about the benefits he would gain by just the purchase. The offers are designed in such a way that its ultimate goal is to get people to say “yes” to our offers. 

OnlineLeads in his lead marketing package makes its offers exclusive, scarce, and in high demand, which always becomes more desirable. Whether they are whitepapers, free trials, memberships, sales promotions, or download, these irresistible elements can overcome a lead’s typical friction, doubt, or concern. 

OnlineLeads offers are usually designed in such a way that it can trigger a physiological reaction that makes an offer more valuable. 

We hear you ask, so how do you create irresistible offers?


The route to successful lead generation

There are a number of ways of lead generation and every brand and every individual uses it according to their comfort. The comfort could be dependent on the cost, people, brand etc. But a lead generation process has a number of mechanics which makes it to stand out.

Lead generation being the most important part of any brand name’s customer base, high priority is given to this segment of marketing. OnlineLeads talks here about some of the most practical and tactical perspective, according to which a marketer needs four crucial elements to make inbound lead generation happen.
  • Offer 
  • CTA 
  • Landing page 
  • Form
An offer is like the candy you show your customers so that you can lure them into buying knowing more about your company. This is a piece of content that is perceived of great value. Offers can include compelling ebooks, whitepapers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations. If this works, the rest just follows

A call-to-action (CTA) is the medium used to download or experience your offr. This could i=be in plain text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download your offer.

A landing page, is a dedicated page which will explain your customers about the offer and not about you or your company. This is not a webpage, but a specialized page that contains information about one particular offer, and a form to download that offer.

Once you have your customers reach till your landing page, he has to take a decision. This decision can be captured when you have a form Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for the offer.

OnlineLeads is focused mainly at capturing a high number of leads in a less given time. Want to generate more leads for your company?


Are you right with your approach?

Digital marketing is all about being right. It's the ability to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Certainly, the ability for location-based marketing has been around for a while now, but at present we're just scratching the surface. Marketers are getting smarter, technology is improving and we're figuring out how to use data for how we interact with our customers. It's a win for marketers, win for consumers.

Being where your customers are essential for companies to prosper. The right approach should be measurable. Just imagine, you have a lot of visitors, but you are unaware of where and who is actually following your brand. That is because of the poor way of tracking the visitors. You have to know who your customers are what bring them to your site.

Need help in getting more leads?


Establishing Brand Consistency with ease

When different teams handle various aspects of marketing, the language and the tone of it usually changes. The social media team would use peppy language whereas your website content would be loaded with technical knowledge. When your leads jump from one medium to the other, there is a sudden disconnect.
Irrespective of the medium, whether it's your company website, your ranking in search engine optimization, or your Facebook and Twitter pages, you should strive for consistency in image and reputation and in managing your brand. It will save you money and eliminate any confusion about what your brand stands for in the marketplace.
Keeping a close watch on your competitors is ideal. Look if they are using images, where are they positioning them, does it go well with their theme, if yes then you may have to think about updating your website. Not as a replica of your competitor, but something which can give them a good competition.
Online leads can you help you in establishing the brand consistency with ease.
To know more contact us 


Enabling Email campaigns to work

Creating an email marketing campaign is easy, regardless of the skill level or experience one has. However, when opted for email marketing services, many of them include a wizard to help you through the creation of your email, newsletter or survey.

You can test and try its effectiveness, its appearance and deliverability, before you actually start the campaign. Wording and images help in ensuring that the email providers won't mark it as spam and that your subscribers won't find it in their junk mailboxes. Some direct email marketing services also link to popular social networking sites to maximize the reach of your email campaign.

However, these email marketing services are not helpful if they are not easy to use. It's important that you choose an email marketing service that is easy to use. Whether or not you know the ins and outs of email campaigns, HTML coding or how to use monitoring reports and statistics, the service you choose should provide the tools and explanations necessary to help you easily create an effective campaign.

If you are one of the email marketing service providers, you have to provide help options to get your clients started, include a user manual, a wizard to walk them through the creation and monitoring of their email campaign, FAQs, a blog, tutorials and articles that explain how to create effective campaigns. Support be provided to contact the company by email, phone or live chat.

Email marketing services are an excellent way for your business to regularly communicate with your email subscribers and customers. Regular newsletters and advertising email campaigns allows companies to grow their business effectively, and surveys give them valuable feedback and keep them on track.

Looking for a lead generation tactic through email marketing services?


Having a compelling CTA

Wandering on your webpages and then heading somewhere else is not the motive. Your landing pages or webpages could be extremely educative, but whats the point of educating your leads, you could never get in touch with.

Creating sticky webpages which keeps the readers engaged for a long time is what helps companies in constantly adding up their lead count. Powerful language usage is one tip which can hold the reader’s attention. But whats much more important than this is the Call to action button.

Landing page is often the forgotten variable in online lead-generation marketing campaigns. Marketing teams end up spending so much time and money creating ads and offers and buying media... that they forget to continue to sell your CTA on the landing page, and so your prospects stall out and don't convert.

The headline, body and the design of the CTA has a huge impact on lead generation as well as lead conversion. Why would visitors download a free trial of software if they don't even know what it is? So, care should be taken in translating the ideas in exact words and also include bullet points describing key benefits.

Getting stuck in creating landing pages and CTA buttons?