Showing posts with label email marketing. digital marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email marketing. digital marketing. Show all posts


Make your followers your fans

Social media marketing is not an easy task. At the same time it’s not that difficult too. Whenever OnlineLeads has come across the social media marketing requests from the small businesses, all that they want to know is how could they get more fans and followers.

But what they usually fail to understand that they already have a large following. How do you turn those fans into customers is all you need to know?

That's the challenge social media and public relations consultants are taking care of. Online leads has a team of professionals for whom this is just as simple as their daily chore.

Social media marketing is the online way of word of mouth advertising. A prevailing presence of company on various social media sites not only helps connect with customers but builds better relationships, drives repeat business, attracts new customers and increases conversion rates.

Looking for someone to convert your followers into fans? 


Are you getting personal with your clients?

Don't you feel good when somebody talks to you by addressing your name. Similarly, just imagine all your conversations with your customers are addressed with their name. How good they would feel.

We have found that our best results in e-mail marketing are closely coupled to how well we customize the content. Based on the context, we use e-mail in a variety of ways. Primarily, we’re trying to help our users take the next step in their next purchase. For example, if buyers searched for and looked at an item but did not purchase it, the goal is to help them find a similar product and complete the transaction at very attractive price. If they lost something, we want to help them find another item like the one they lost at a great price.

There is, of course, a balance to be struck. Not every interaction can be entirely personalized; we would quickly be repeating the same message if we relied only on personalization. As a result, we mix personalized messages with popularity-based messages. Even here, though, we try to be targeted, letting buyers’ activity help us understand the best categories in which to recommend merchandise.

Want a personalized email marketing campaign?


Are your landing pages news jacked?

One of the best ways of being on top in the business is by being in the news. Remember when Kate Middleton got married in April of 2011, her wedding dress was the talk of the town. No matter what the forte of each designer was, they came up with the similar wedding dresses to promote them in style.

All the headlines, tags and descriptions had Kate’s taste etched into it. Why? Because Kate and her wedding dress was in use and everybody were trying to newsjack this event.

When something is buzzing big time, it creates high demand. Companies often leverage newsjacking for this type of technique and it works very well for offers, too.

Definitely in a B2B business you cannot talk about the wedding dress design, however you can talk about how it was marketed and it worked well for the brand name. When your offers are newsjacked, you can optimize your landing page and generate a lot of prospective leads.

OnlineLeads can help you generate more leads when you speak about your strengths in your offer.

Want to a newsjacked offer on your landing page?


Listen to the marketing noise

Digital marketing is making a lot of noise in the field of marketing. Many of the trend setters have their own perspectives of what works and what fails. However, social media marketing is the one trending these days, for obvious reasons. Your target audience is either on a facebook or on twitter or on some other social media site. That’s where they are and that’s exactly where you have to be to connect with the right audience at the right time.

What works for one brand doesn’t actually work for the other. But when you get to learn what works for certain brands, it would be easier for you to sift through the options to decide on what do you want to implement on your site.

End of the day, it's the value a business can bring to consumers through the limitations of an experience. Whether it's the 140-character limit on Twitter, the 15-second limit on an Instagram video or the fact that content shared on Snapchat self-destructs, these features force companies to create a valuable moment within the confines of a community that is unique, interesting, educational, emotional, and hilarious or any combination of the previous.

You want a marketing strategy which is a combination of the above mentioned?


Which color do you choose?

There is a lot spoken about when it comes to the color of your blog. What does red represent, what does green indicate why is orange more catchier than any other color, blah blah. But just because they say the color Orange has high retention value when used for CTAs, do you use it all over the place and expect high leads online?

No. It doesn’t work that way. What about brands which have so many other colors, yet doing so well in brand building. For example, most delivery companies' color palettes are bright. UPS on the other hand is brown. They own brown in their category so much so that their color icon has become their slogan – 'What can brown do for you today?

It is neither a bright color, not a cute color. On the contrary, it’s quite a dull color, more earthy we could say, yet it works. Ultimately, you should be prepared to develop, monitor and constantly push your brand message in the marketplace. Your message should be simple and as consistent as possible in every marketing venue you choose to ensure that when people think of your brand that their perception is connected with your perception of your company.

Online leads helps you in making your brand speak for you
Need help? 


Establishing Brand Consistency with ease

When different teams handle various aspects of marketing, the language and the tone of it usually changes. The social media team would use peppy language whereas your website content would be loaded with technical knowledge. When your leads jump from one medium to the other, there is a sudden disconnect.
Irrespective of the medium, whether it's your company website, your ranking in search engine optimization, or your Facebook and Twitter pages, you should strive for consistency in image and reputation and in managing your brand. It will save you money and eliminate any confusion about what your brand stands for in the marketplace.
Keeping a close watch on your competitors is ideal. Look if they are using images, where are they positioning them, does it go well with their theme, if yes then you may have to think about updating your website. Not as a replica of your competitor, but something which can give them a good competition.
Online leads can you help you in establishing the brand consistency with ease.
To know more contact us 


How well has your campaign performed?

Remember how your progress report would display your strengths and weaknesses after every exam. Similarly, you need a progress report card of your email campaigns which can clearly speak out the truth about your campaign’s performance.

Email campaign reporting, maps the progress of the campaign. by getting insights into where the campaign is doing well and where it isn’t. Information on both these counts helps you to gain insights into the client‘s mind. It helps understand the nature of your client base and what they’re looking for.

For a campaign report, after the email campaign has gone live, you have to start the process of tracking its progress. This tracking is done according to various parameters. Parameters are clearly specified and help in understanding if there are shortcomings and how they can be ironed out. These reports help to gauge whether email marketing campaign is in sync with the strategy or changes need to be made in the current one.
Based on the tracking, a report is created and delivered according to the client’s requirement. These reports can be generated daily or weekly or even monthly. Weekly reports are mostly recommended.
Lacking expertise and time to track your email campaigns? Get help here 


Do you have GPS for your Email campaign?

Like a GPS system helps you track your way, you can also in detail, track your email campaign’s success. Tracking email campaign is the best way to get feedback for a campaign. Because, this is a constructive feedback, which can you in redesign, tweaking and maximizing penetration of emails. 

Getting the tracking done from a professional like OnlineLeads, will help you in continuing with providing the client with a mailing list,and go miles ahead. The most important one among them is tracking the success of their email marketing campaign. 

Tracking the campaign gives a clear idea as to what worked in a campaign, what failed. By tracking emails, their open rates, click rates and click through rates, we can zero-in on shortcomings. Email campaign can be made much more effective and powerful by avoiding Spam traps and removing bounce email addresses. Along with tracking, reports will be generated in real time, averages will be taken, understanding changes or spike rates as well as a drop outs.

Want to get 360º coverage of email marketing with email tracking?


Are your email campaigns magnetic enough?

Email campaigns, if not magnetic enough, is equal to not having one. It is one of the best ways to attract customers. But there are many excuses why your email campaigns might not be working. You might be busy, you do not have a dedicated professional to take care of it, you are not enthusiastic enough because of poor response, etc.

Hold on! It’s not time to give up yet! All you have to do is get some professional help from companies like OnlineLeads to drive your marketing campaign, and you can watch the responses soar.
To improve B2B & B2C Email Marketing requirements,

  • Businesses need an exceptionally brilliant campaign design 
  • Innovative thought-process  
  • Captivating email content  
  • Clean Layout that is appealing and captures the recipient’s attention  
  • A compelling subject line that makes the recipient open the mail  
  • Spam-free message

With our campaign services you would get a campaign execution using our proprietary software, real time tracking, reporting and analysis, manage lists and subscribers, increased deliverability, advanced ROI boosting capacity, highly secure and affordable.

Need help in executing your email campaign?

How well do you know your Market?

To know your Market well, you have to have a Market survey in place!
Understanding your market is very important, and a market survey always helps in knowing the pulse of your market. Sending across thousands of emails does not make sense at all. A careful approach combined with meticulous research, gives an idea of what has to be done to get desired results.

Market surveys are popular for generating leads easier. It also helps in approaching prospects, understanding what they want, designing offers and products around their requirements. Market survey empowers clients with information that can help formulate future strategies, as they can gauge customer interest from their response and reaction to new product launches.
Market Survey helps in
  • Getting a clear picture of the market and client  
  • Knowing the market requirement 
  • Target approach through email marketing campaigns 
Want to conduct a market survey?  


Tips to optimize email deliverability & reduce hard bounces

An Email message that returns to you because the recipient’s email address is invalid is called a hard bounce. Unknown recipient names, network problems at the recipients’ end or in-existence of domain names might cause emails to bounce back.
  • Outdated address in your mailing list cause hard bounces Email addresses change faster than postal addresses. It is therefore vital that all the emails in your mailing list are up to date and fresh. 

What should you do to optimize delivery 

  • Provide email address update links on your site Positioning a simple interface address update form on your website facilitates your customers to keep you informed of changes. You can thus capture fresh addresses for your mailing and optimize email delivery. 
  • Utilize an ECOA (email change of address) service
    Email Change of Address appending is a powerful service of adding most recent email address of the contacts in your database. It’s a great way to enhance your database, optimize delivery and retain old contacts.
  • Check list hygiene
    The list hygiene solution eliminates errors from your database offering you a clean and sharp database. With good data, you can avert hard bounces and create many business opportunities.  
The payoff for bounce-proofing your email list is substantial: lower customer acquisition costs, increased response rates and sales, reduced overheads, and decreased hard bounce rates. Follow the above-mentioned basic suggestions and you will maximize the return on your marketing investments.

Want to know more? 


Why Email Marketing is a better option?

Unlike your Direct or Snail mail services, Email Marketing Service is a better option for a number of reasons. Here is a list of things your Email Marketing can do and Direct Mailing fail to…
  • Email marketing services offer social networking buttons  
  • Receivers can Like or Tweet or even Share messages in real time  
  • Sender can track the bounced mails and update their list 
  • Finding who unsubscribed your emails gets easier  
  • You can track and identify the marketing tools that are working for you 
  • You can also improve your reach 
Companies who wish to take this forward can also send surveys through these services to their customers and track the result immediately. This can help companies to update your products and approach that best meets your consumer’s interests.

Want to increase your online leads through Email Marketing? TELL US NOW!


Are your mails still in dusty mailboxes?

The age of direct mailers have diminished, if not erased. Digital marketing like Email marketing services have gradually take over the place of direct mailers. The reason for the shift are 
  • Its economical 
  • Its environmental friendly 
  • Guaranteed delivery (97%) 
  • Instant response from target audience 
  • And of course they are dust free
Instead of spending your time and money on creating print marketing campaigns that end up in dusty mailboxes, you can now combine your social networking marketing efforts with effective email campaigns. With email marketing, you can instantly see who is opening your emails, where are they landing, and how many of your subscribers are forwarding your emails to their friends.

Interested in Email Marketing campaign?